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Style Sheet

Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Literature

National Chengchi University

Style GuidelinesDownload


*The guidelines below are for a manuscript written in Chinese. For information about a manuscript written in English, please consult the latest style guidelines of Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies.

1.  Format: A manuscript should be typed horizontally from left to right, please begin every paragraph with two spaces.

2.  Punctuation Marks: Please use New Punctuation marks. The title of a book, journal, newspaper, drama script, or graduate-level thesis or dissertation is required to use “《》”. For the title of an article or a poem, please use “〈〉”. When a book title is placed together with an article title within the book, please only use “《》” and omit “〈〉”for the article title, (e.g., 《莊子天下》). If a manuscript is written in English, book title should be italicized, while article title should be placed in quotation marks. A Japanese manuscript should be translated into Chinese and use New Punctuation marks.

3.  To organize chapters and sections, please use the following order:

Chinese manuscript: 一、()1(1)

English manuscript: I. A. 1. A. (1) (a)

4.  Citations: All citations should be checked for accuracy. Please indent a block quotation three spaces from the left margin, and do not insert a line above or below. An in-text quotation should be placed in “「」quotation within a quotation should use “『』”. If a quotation originally contains any error(s), please add “(原誤)” (originally incorrect) after the quotation. If words are omitted in a quotation, please use“……” (6-dotted ellipsis marks) to indicate.

5.  Notes: Please use footnotes (not endnotes). Footnotes should be numbered with Arabic numerals and placed after the punctuation mark at the end of a sentence. Footnote format is as follows:

A.  To cite a work for the first time:

(1) Book Author:《Book Name(Place of PublicationName of Publisher, Year), Page Number

(2) Collection of Essays Author:〈Essay Title〉,Included in (Editor):《Book Name(Place of PublicationName of Publisher, Year) , Page Numbers ( start page and end page)

(3) Journal Author:〈Paper Title, Name of JournalIssue or Volume (Year Month) , Page Number

(4) Thesis or Dissertation Author Name of Thesis or Dissertation(Place of PublicationName of Publisher, Year) , Page Number

(5)  Newspaper ArticlesAuthor:〈Paper Title, Name of NewspaperEdition (Special or Supplement Edition Name)Year Month Date

B.  To cite a work for the second time:

(1)  If the second citation does not immediately follow the first citation, please useAuthorBook Name or Article Name, Page Number

(2)  If the second citation immediately follows the first citation, please use:同上註,Page Number

C.  Multiple citations:

If a work is cited multiple times, footnotes for subsequent citations are not necessary. Please insert volume number, article name or chapter number in parentheses after each subsequent citation.

6.  Numbers:

A.  If a number is less than 10,000, please use Arabic numerals. If a number is over 10,000, please use Chinese characters, for example, 三千五百萬人.

B.  If a number is rounded, please use Chinese characters, for example, 五百餘人.

C.  Please use Chinese characters for 屆、次、項,for example, 第二屆、三項決議.

D.  Please use Arabic numerals for time: for example, 20世紀、康熙52年、民國93年、西元20046, etc.

E.  Please use Arabic numerals for volume or issue number of a journal or book. (e.g. 部、冊、卷、期)

7.  Charts and Tables:

A.  Pictures and charts attached to a manuscript should be clear after shrinking.

B.  Style of explanatory texts should be consistent with regular texts, and typed horizontally from left to right, if typed vertically, please type from right to left.

C.  Charts should be numbered, titles, if applicable, should be placed below charts or above tables. Explanatory texts should be placed below charts or tables.

8.  Reference:

References are required and should be placed in a separate section at the end of a manuscript. Please list names of English authors alphabetically; list Chinese authors in the order of numbers of strokes of authors’ surnames (from least to most), if necessary, reference can also be listed chronologically. Chinese works should be listed before works in foreign languages. For year of publication, please use Gregorian calendar year (i.e. not R.O.C. calendar year), for example:

A.  Author:《Book Name, Name of Publisher, Year of Publication

B.  Author:〈Essay Title, Name of JournalVolume, Year of Publication

C.  Author:〈Essay Title, Book Name, Name of Publisher, Year of Publication

D.  Author:《Name of Thesis or Dissertation, Name of Publisher, Year of publication

9.  Transliteration:

In order to meet the requirements of international journals, please include English transliteration of names of Chinese authors, titles of books and essays in footnotes and references, using pinyin system as adopted by the ISO. The format is as follows:

葉嘉瑩Ye Jiaying:〈從元遺山論詩絕句談謝靈運與柳宗元的詩與人〉“Cong Yuan Yishan lun shi jueju tan Xie Lingyun yu Liu Zongyuan de shi yu ren”,收入葉嘉瑩Ye Jiaying:《中國古典詩歌評論集》Zhongguo gudian shige pinglun ji,臺北Taipei:純真出版社Chunzhen chubanshe1983年。

戴鴻森Dai Hongsen:《薑齋詩話箋注》Jiangzhai shihua jianzhu,臺北Taipei:木鐸出版社Muduo chubanshe1982年。

趙昌平Zhao Changping:〈謝靈運與山水詩起源〉“Xie Lingyun yu shanshuishi qiyuan”,《中國社會科學》Zhongguo shehui kexue   1990第4期