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Notice to Contributors

Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Literature

National Chengchi University

Submission Guidelines


1.  Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Literature (“the Bulletin”) is a peer-reviewed academic journal with open access content. The Bulletin welcomes submissions from domestic and international scholars.


2.  The journal is published semi-annually in June and December, with March and September as cutoff deadlines, respectively. Submissions are accepted throughout the year, and reviewed upon receipt.

3.  A submission must be written in Chinese or English. In principle, a Chinese submission should not exceed 20,000 words, an English submission should not exceed 30 pages on A4 paper size. Please do not submit a manuscript twice, or submit a previously published article. A manuscript should be typed horizontally and in accordance with the Style Guidelines by the Bulletin. Please send an electronic copy of the submission via email to


4.  A submission is subject to a double-blind review by two extramural expertsIf an author has not been awarded a doctorate degree, his or her submission should go through the preliminary review first. Only after the submission has passed the preliminary review, can it be sent for the aforementioned review.

5.  Once an article is accepted to be published in the Bulletin, the author will be gifted with two copies of the issue of the Bulletin in which the article is published and 5 copies of off-prints, there is no additional compensation to the author. If a contributor requires Acceptance Certificate, please contact the Bulletin at Rejected submissions are returned in anonymity. The Editorial Committee retains the right to determine priority of publication.


6.  All the submissions should include: a) 3-5 key words in Chinese, and b) Chinese abstract in 300 words or less. After submissions are accepted, the authors will be notified to provide article title, abstract, key words and reference material in English.


7.  A contributor should attach submission information sheet as downloaded from the website of the Bulletin, along with the submission and provide information as follows: Chinese and English name, name of the institution where the contributor works, occupation title, address, phone or fax number, e-mail address, etc. Please email both the completed submission information sheet and submission to


8.  The Bulletin signed publishing contracts with Show-We Information Co., Ltd. and Ariti Press. Show-We Information Co., Ltd. is responsible for manuscript editing, printing, and publication; while Ariti Press is responsible for including the published articles in the “CEPS (Chinese Electronic Periodical Services)” or other electronic database directories for search and download. Authors of accepted manuscripts must sign “Copyright License Agreement.” Authors may either photocopy the Copyright License Agreement from the Bulletin or request a copy by mail. Contributors who do not wish to sign the Copyright License Agreement should notify the Bulletin when submitting manuscripts.